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State support Spausdinti El. paštas
To give the residents of Lithuania more opportunities to procure housing, the state foresaw certain types of support. At the end of 2000, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania passed a resolution which foresaw full reimbursement of insurance by state funds for those mortgage recipients who were eligible for the state support (both enlisted and not enlisted in municipal queues for state support) under the Law on Provision of Residents with Residential Premises of the Republic of Lithuania. Since July 2001, state funds have been used to cover 50% of housing mortgage insurance for the mortgage recipients eligible for the state support.
The state support for people who want to buy a dwelling propelled the market of housing mortgages and homes.
In 2001, banks started granting housing mortgage on easy terms following the Law on Provision of Residents with Residential Premises of the Republic of Lithuania. A housing mortgage on easy terms is intended for housing procurement or construction; the state pays a bank part of interest in the first years (but not later than within 10 years) of mortgage repay and reimburses 50% of housing mortgageBūsto Paskolų Draudimas UAB for those mortgage recipients who are eligible for the state support on procurement of housing and who are enlisted in municipal queues for support. insurance to Persons who satisfy the criteria set in legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania have an opportunity to use the state support for housing procurement. More and more funds are allocated every year to reimburse 50% of insurance and for irrevocable subsidies of 10% and 20%. The state allocated LTL 400 million  (EUR 115.85 million ) for housing mortgage on easy terms in 2001 but only LTL 69.26 million  (EUR 20,06 million) were used; the remaining sum was transferred to the year 2002. The amount made up LTL 100 million (EUR 28,96 million ) in 2003, LTL 100 million (EUR 28,96 million) in 2004, LTL 150 million  (EUR 43,44 million) in 2005, LTL 160 million (EUR 46,34 million) in 2006 and LTL 170 million (EUR 49,24 million) in 2007.
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About 90% of all multi-apartment houses in Lithuania were built before 1993; about 30,000 multi-apartment houses need to be renovated. By 2020, it is planned to renovate about 70% of multi-apartment housing stock of the country. It is planned that a sum of about LTL 4.3 billion will be needed to modernise multi-apartment houses (EUR 1.24 billion). The state budget plans to allocate about LTL 670 million (EUR 194 million) from 2007 to 2012. About 550 projects on modernisation of multi-apartment houses were implemented from 1996 to 2004; 177 projects on modernisation of multi-apartment houses implemented from 2004 to 1 September 2007.
The state budget allocated LTL 3 million (EUR 0,87 million) for modernisation of multi-apartment houses in 2005, LTL 7 million (EUR 2,03 million)in 2006 and LTL 15.8 million (EUR 4,58 million)in 2007.